Hier die Doktorarbeit von Leif Inge Tjelta, in der u.a. das Training von Henrik Ingebrigtsen analysiert wird
Die Kurzusammenfassung in einem letsrun-Thread trifft es ganz gut
Also auch kein geheimes Wundertraining, einfach nur konzentrierte, harte Arbeit hochtalentierter Athleten.
Die Kurzusammenfassung in einem letsrun-Thread trifft es ganz gut
Zitat:If anyone wanna know how they train, its basically all treshold workouts with religiously use of the lactate meter to make sure they are not running too hard.Quelle
Common knowledge in Norway.Two days with double treshold workouts (one long, one short) and one day with 20x200m hill reps. They've trained like this for many years, with little variation. It started with Henrik, he was the test subject, if you wanna call it that.
they are doing the same workouts year in year out. Gjert recently told the papers that because of keeping their workouts the same every year they can compare very easily their fitness
Also auch kein geheimes Wundertraining, einfach nur konzentrierte, harte Arbeit hochtalentierter Athleten.
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)