Ja, bei World Athletics in C3.4 heißt es:
Zitat:1.6 For the avoidance of doubt, these regulations do not govern an athlete's eligibility to be entered by a National Olympic Committee or other relevant body to compete in the Olympic Games or Youth Olympic Games or any other relevant competition. Instead, such eligibility will continue to be determined solely in accordance with the Eligibility Rules applicable to those competitions, such as the Olympic Charter, as amended by the IOC from time to time. The version of the relevant part of the Olympic Charter in force as of the date of issue of these Regulations (Rule 41 and its byelaw) is set out at Appendix 1.Und wie man im Appendix unten nachlesen kann fordert das IOC nur eine dreijährige Warteperiode nach dem letzten Einsatz im Nationaltrikot des alten Landes, das stellt aber weder bei den Neurumänninen noch bei den -kasaschinnen ein Problem dar.