(25.07.2022, 19:16)Delta schrieb: Amusan scheint mit einem gut gefederten Mittelstreckeschuh unterwegs zu sein.addidas addizero avanti
Quelle: https://twitter.com/seaningle/status/155...9505313793
Michael Johnson hat sich bezüglich Amusan ziemlich in die Nesseln gesetzt, weil er die Zeitmessung im Halbfinale angezweifelt hat
Zitat:As a commentator my job is to comment. In questioning the times of 28 athletes (not 1 athlete) by wondering if the timing system malfunctioned, I was attacked, accused of racism, and of questioning the talent of an athlete I respect and predicted to win. Unacceptable. I move on.
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)