17.10.2018, 18:21
Es geht ja nicht nur um die inkonsequente Anwendung der Studienergebnisse (ja, das Hammerwerfen ist immer noch ausgenommen), sondern vor allem darum, dass die in der Studie verwendeten Daten zu einem Drittel "Schrott" sind.
Zitat:But in examining the study’s results from those three races, plus the 1,500 meters, the three independent researchers said they found that the performance data used in the study’s analysis was anomalous or inaccurate 17 percent to 33 percent of the time.Quelle
The errors included more than one time recorded for the same athlete; repeated use of the same time for individual athletes; and phantom times when no athlete could be found to have run a reported time. Also included were times for athletes who were disqualified for doping.
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)