18.07.2018, 08:00
Offener Brief der Women's Sports Foundation an die IAAF, in dem die neue Regelung scharf als Diskriminierung von Frauen
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Global Sports Community Joins WSF and Athlete Ally in Calling on IAAF to Rescind Discriminatory Policy
Und die Antwort der IAAF, in der sie das neue Reglement als einzige Möglichkeit den Frauensport an sich zu erhalten, verteidigt
IAAF Response to open letter from the Women’s Sports Foundation and Athlete Ally
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Global Sports Community Joins WSF and Athlete Ally in Calling on IAAF to Rescind Discriminatory Policy
Zitat:We the undersigned members of the sports community are deeply troubled by the recently announced regulations that discriminate against female athletes with naturally elevated testosterone that would require them to undergo medically unnecessary interventions to lower their testosterone levels as a precondition of participation in sport.
Und die Antwort der IAAF, in der sie das neue Reglement als einzige Möglichkeit den Frauensport an sich zu erhalten, verteidigt
IAAF Response to open letter from the Women’s Sports Foundation and Athlete Ally
Zitat:The women’s category of sport is by nature a restricted category. Without limits, it would cease to exist and it is the responsibility of the sport’s governing body to establish those limits.
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)