02.05.2018, 08:37
Stephane Bermon, der Autor der Studie, die Grundlage der neuen IAAF-Regeln ist, geht davon aus, dass mittelfristig eine dritte Wettkampfklasse für Intersexathleten eingeführt wird
Zitat:[Bermon] has said he is in favour of a third category for intersex athletes and that it could happen within five years – although he admitted public opinion will have to shift first.Quelle
However, Bermon said: “My feeling is also the public is not ready for this. We don’t want to stigmatise athletes. We also have to take into account religious and cultural sensitivities. So basically I am in favour but there needs [to be] some changes in public opinion.”
We have a lot of athletes with this kind of condition. It is not just the one or two people you hear about in the media. In elite female athletics the number of intersex athletes is 140 times more than what you might find in the normal female population.”
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)