18.08.2015, 09:46
(18.08.2015, 09:28)Hellmuth K l i m m e r schrieb: Dieser Beobachtung kann ich nicht bestätigen.
Nick Willis schrieb:"The way it works though is that the athletes hang out together the whole time for three days before races and it becomes the number one topic of conversation for all those who aren't participating in it (doping).Quelle
"It becomes obvious...the ones who don't want to be part of the conversation are the ones who have a lot of guilt surrounding themselves. It would become obvious if they did try to join in because they don't have the same passion (against doping) as the rest of us.
Auch das ist natürlich eine Form der Spekulation, ob besser oder schlechter als beitys Beurteilung nach Augenschein mag jeder selbst beurteilen.
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)