OUR BELIEFS AND VALUES (Mac Wilkins, DiskusOlympiasieger, 4 x Weltrekord)
There is intrinsic joy in physical activity
Participation in sports provides a rich environment for learning positive life lessons
The pursuit of excellence provides tremendous personal growth opporunities
If you pursue excellence, you must become a learner. Becoming a life long learner is a valuable trait
Life long learners are compelled to share and will become servant leaders
We have been blessed with unique talents and experiences and feel compelled to help young people along this path
edit mod: Thema aufgeteilt und verschoben, jetzt könnt ihr Euren philosophischen Gedanken freien Lauf lassen
There is intrinsic joy in physical activity
Participation in sports provides a rich environment for learning positive life lessons
The pursuit of excellence provides tremendous personal growth opporunities
If you pursue excellence, you must become a learner. Becoming a life long learner is a valuable trait
Life long learners are compelled to share and will become servant leaders
We have been blessed with unique talents and experiences and feel compelled to help young people along this path
edit mod: Thema aufgeteilt und verschoben, jetzt könnt ihr Euren philosophischen Gedanken freien Lauf lassen