29.01.2016, 23:00
(29.01.2016, 15:14)MZPTLK schrieb: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen:
- Keine Bedürftigkeitsprüfung
- Keine Bereitschaft zur Erwerbstätigkeit erforderlich
- Steuer- und Abgaben-finanzierte Sozialleistungen
Armut kann so besser verwaltet, erhalten und geschaffen werden.
Die grössten Profiteure wären Besserverdiener und Reiche.
Bisher gibt es keine Pilotprojekte weltweit.
Zitat:Q: In the book you ask, “How should policy deal with the twin realities that people differ in intelligence for reasons that are not their fault and that intelligence has a powerful bearing on how well people do in life?” How would you answer this question now?Quelle
A: I gave my answer in a book called “In Our Hands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State,” that I published in 2006. I want to dismantle all the bureaucracies that dole out income transfers, whether they be public housing benefits or Social Security or corporate welfare, and use the money they spend to provide everyone over the age of 21 with a guaranteed income, deposited electronically every month into a bank account. It takes a book to explain why such a plan could not only work, but could revitalize civil society, but it takes only a few sentences to explain why a libertarian would advocate such a plan.
Certain mental skillsets are now the “open sesame” to wealth and social position in ways that are qualitatively different from the role they played in earlier times. Nobody deserves the possession of those skillsets. None of us has earned our IQ. Those of us who are lucky should be acutely aware that it is pure luck (too few are), and be committed to behaving accordingly. Ideally, we would do that without government stage-managing it. That’s not an option. Massive government redistribution is an inevitable feature of advanced postindustrial societies.
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)