04.08.2015, 08:54
Wenn du das kontrollierst, würde mich (falls es nicht zu kompliziert zum Durchspielen ist) interessieren, ob bei mehrern Vorläufen für das Ranking der zu losenden Bahnen Regel 166.3(a) berücksichtigt wird
Zitat: for events of 100m to 400m inclusive, and relays up to and including 4x400m, seeding shall be based upon placings and times of each previous round. For this purpose, athletes shall beranked as follows:
Fastest heat winner
2nd fastest heat winner
3rd fastest heat winner, etc.
Fastest 2nd place
2nd fastest 2nd place
3rd fastest 2nd place, etc.
(Concluding with)
Fastest time qualifier
2nd fastest time qualifier
3rd fastest time qualifier,
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)