13.12.2024, 22:52
(13.12.2024, 09:02)marathoni schrieb: Ob Wanders nochmal Richtung Weltspitze sich entwickelt?
Schade, dass er 2019/2020 noch keinen Marathon lief. Das hätte mich so sehr interessiert. Ich finde es gibt kaum einer, der so einen ökonomischen Laufstil hat
Wanders am 28.01.2024
Zitat:Another race on my way back. For those who don't understand why I'm not yet performing like before. You need to know what I went through. About a year ago (after already 2 difficult years dealing with injuries and sicknesses), my body completely shut down. I could not even train at 60% of my level anymore. That's when I decided to make the switch from Renato Canova to go back to my former coach Marco Jaeger. Not blaming in any way Renato, who taught me a lot and is still a legend of coaching. It just didn't work for me.
From there (February 2023), I started from zero (physically and mentally). I could never have imagined that it would take me so much time to be able to run again at my level. I'm still in the process of finding myself and it might still take some time. But for what I've seen in the past 3 months of training, I'm definitely on the right path.
So that's why I'm taking every race as an improvement. I learned to never take anything for granted. One day you can be a the top, and the next day you're down. What really matters is how you react to it.
Irgendwie erschreckend: Beim Course de l'Escalade war er letztes Jahr im Dez. 20 Sekunden schneller als dieses.
Irgendwie scheint auch die Kraft komplett weg zu sein (3:55 über 1500 Meter aus dem Juni). Wanders lief ja auch mal 3:39, 7:43 und 13:13.
Er meinte auch zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt, dass es im Trianing eigentlich wieder gut läuft, nur die Resultate überhaupt nicht das wiedergeben.
Für mich ein Rätsel.