Ich möchte mal eine Athleten-Typisierung von Boris Zaitchouk, dem ersten 80 m Hammerwerfer der Geschichte, mehrfachem SeniorenWM und Coach, zur Diskussion stellen(Coaching Education Level 3 Seminars, Colorado Springs, 6.-8. 11. 1998):
'All Athletes have different temperaments(or a combination of these):
- Choleric: easily learns technics but habits are not stable
- Sanguinic: easily learns and retains habits
- Phlegmatic: slowly learns and retains habits
- Melancholic: slowly learns but doesn't retain habits
For each of the groups the coach must develop a specific approach of training'
'All Athletes have different temperaments(or a combination of these):
- Choleric: easily learns technics but habits are not stable
- Sanguinic: easily learns and retains habits
- Phlegmatic: slowly learns and retains habits
- Melancholic: slowly learns but doesn't retain habits
For each of the groups the coach must develop a specific approach of training'