11.04.2021, 17:55
Ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn die beiden über die Hyperandrogenismusregeln aus dem Verkehr gezogen werden
Einen anderen "Erklärungansatz" hat Statistikexperte Mirko Jalava von Tilastopaja
Einen anderen "Erklärungansatz" hat Statistikexperte Mirko Jalava von Tilastopaja
Zitat:They didn't actually do it. Like a few others did not do the times they are claimed to have done early in 2021. Crazy times. Something like this just doesn't happen. They should have chosen to cheat a bit less.https://twitter.com/mjalava/status/1381286217564708864
There is all the difference in the world between treating people equally and attempting to make them equal (Friedrich August von Hayek)